Thursday, September 15, 2016

Virtual Machines and CPU Emulation (VM65), Linux, SDL2 and NCURSES.

One of the desired goals of my 6502 emulator project was that it would work the same on MS Windows and Linux. I neglected Linux port for some time and recently faced the difficult task of making the program work again in Linux environment.

So I added my graphics device emulator code and SDL2 library without much problems but my emulated character I/O stopped working in Linux. After long hours spent investigating the problem and after I tried all known solutions for non-blocking character input in C/C++ on Linux (I needed kbhit()/getch 'conio'-like functionality) to no avail I finally gave up, cut the losses and did huge refactoring switching all Linux code to ncurses library.
Ultimately I think I will move character I/O completely to the graphics device, which should be much more portable and also more true to the hardware architecture of real 6502 based computers. Let's just say that the character I/O that I have in place right now is emulating a serial port type or teletype kind of character I/O. When I'll implement it on my graphics device, it will be more like console I/O type. Anyway, this is how I see it, future will show where the project will take me.

At the same time I have been developing expansion of my virtual graphics device capabilities. The goal is to have a text mode. Well, not exactly a separate text mode, but rather ability to render 8x8 bit characters efficiently on the graphics device by simply pointing the device to characters table memory bank using one register and then write the code of the character and its coordinates in other registers to have the character rendered on the screen. That would enable my console I/O emulation in the future, as mentioned in previous paragraph.
The proof of concept works. I have downloaded Commodore 64 character ROM, converted it to my memory image definition format and have compiled a modified version of EhBasic which has the top of Basic RAM lowered by 4 kB so I can load the C64 characters table right on top of BASIC RAM and before the EhBasic code starts.

To test the proof of concept code, start the emulator (vm65), and in debug console issue commands:


EhBasic will load and prompt for memory size. Just press ENTER and then enter following program:

10 C=0:M=0:N=22:B=65506:POKE B+9,0
15 POKE B+13,N:POKE B+17,0:POKE B+18,0
20 FOR Y=0 TO 24
30 FOR X=0 TO 39
40 POKE B+14,X:POKE B+15,Y
50 POKE B+16,C
60 C=C+1:IF C<256 THEN 120
70 IF N=22 THEN N=23:GOTO 100
80 N=22:IF M=0 THEN M=1:GOTO 100
90 M=0
100 POKE B+13,N:POKE B+18,M
110 Y=Y+1:X=-1:C=0
116 PRINT " MODE, CHAR BANK ";N*2048
120 GET K$:IF K$=" " THEN END
130 NEXT X
140 NEXT Y
150 GOTO 5

Run above program to see both banks of C64 characters print on the SDL2 window first in normal mode, then in reversed color mode.
The expected result should (after a short while) look similar to this:

Later I did some performance optimizations like refreshing the surface only after the whole character is painted instead of painting/refreshing pixel by pixel and also by copying the entire characters table from VM's RAM to internal GraphDisp class buffer each time the virtual graphics device character ROM bank register is updated.
I added method

void GraphDisp::CopyCharRom8x8(unsigned char *pchrom);

specifically for this purpose.
CopyCharRom8x8() must be called each time when address of character ROM changes.
Code snippet from MemMapDev class shows how its done:

} else if ((unsigned int)addr == mGraphDispAddr + GRAPHDEVREG_CHRTBL) {                   
  // set new address of the character table, 2 kB bank #0-31                              
  mGrDevRegs.mGraphDispChrTbl = (unsigned char)(val & 0x003F);                            
  mCharTblAddr = mGrDevRegs.mGraphDispChrTbl * ((MAX_8BIT_ADDR+1) / 0x20);                
  unsigned char char_rom[CHROM_8x8_SIZE];                                                 
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<CHROM_8x8_SIZE; i++) {                                         
  char_rom[i] = mpMem->Peek8bitImg((unsigned short)((mCharTblAddr + i) & 0xFFFF));        

This way character rendering is handled completely internally inside GraphDisp class with this public method:

* Method: PrintChar8x8()                                                                 
* Purpose: Print 8x8 character at specified row and column.                              
* Arguments: code - character code                                                       
* col, row - character coordinates in 8 pixel intervals                                  
* reversed - color mode (reversed or normal)                                             
* Returns: n/a                                                                           
void GraphDisp::PrintChar8x8(int code, int col, int row, bool reversed);                 

My github repository is updated with new code and documentation.
For anybody following this project, I recommend getting this latest version as I found and fixed many problems recently and added cool features described above :-).


Thank you for reading!

Marek K.

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